Dear Students, Here is a wonderful opportunity to know about the recent changes that happened in USA, because of the COVID, for the first time, Iowa #Wesleyan University ( #IW) Coming online . We got great Advisors and Leadership team to educate and update on the Impact and also brief us more about the IOWA Wesleyan University . Please do register and get to know more about study in USA .
Aleesa Kittrell D.N.P., R.N., C.M.S.R.N., C.N.E.Division of Nursing Chair and Associate Professor of Nursing
Herb Schmidt, D.B.A.Division of Business Chair, Professor of Business and Holder of the Schmidt Chair in Business
Clay JohnsonInternational Student Advisor
David Schmitz M.A.Director of ESL
Topic: IOWA Wesleyan University
Time: May 1, 2020 07:30 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi
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